It’s Friday and, once again, I’m participating in a writing flash mob for two reasons: 1. to get more connected with the larger community of bloggers (aka I don’t wanna feel alone!) and 2. to field a kick in the butt to practice writing more consistently. The marching orders: Write on the word prompt for [...]

It’s Friday and, once again, I’m participating in a writing flash mob for two reasons: 1. to get more connected with the larger community of bloggers (aka I don’t wanna feel alone!) and 2. to field a kick in the butt to practice writing more consistently. The marching orders: Write on the word prompt for [...]

Anxious thoughts motor through my mind like numbers on a ticker tape: Am I a writer? an accountant? a mother, a wife? …a full-time housekeeper? Where do I land today and what do I do next? The answer typically lies in whatever screams loudest: the stinky diaper, the empty refrigerator, the tax return due next [...]

It’s Friday and, once again, I’m participating in a writing flash mob for two reasons: 1. to get more connected with the larger community of bloggers (aka I don’t wanna feel alone!) and 2. to field a kick in the butt to practice writing regularly and consistently. The marching orders: Write on the word prompt [...]