Tag: freedom


I’m not a big shopper. Never have been. My mother, on the other hand?  She could win awards were shopping a competitive sport. For me, it’s a necessary evil and, I’ll be honest, sometimes I resent Eve for upending the future for all womankind. I shop for myself may be twice a year and get [...]


Growing up I don’t remember being encouraged to appreciate art and I certainly wouldn’t have called myself “creative.” Sure I should learn art for the sake of history but I didn’t get that art has value simply because of the creative process behind it. The work of your hands should earn a living, be a [...]

flickr-arthus.erea-creative commons

I had a dream last night in which I was trying to hide a dead body in a black trash bag amongst a large pile of similar bags containing yard trash. It was unclear whether I was responsible for the murder or just assisting in a cover up. I woke up and immediately began thinking [...]

baby blue gift

Anxious thoughts motor through my mind like numbers on a ticker tape: Am I a writer? an accountant? a mother, a wife? …a full-time housekeeper? Where do I land today and what do I do next? The answer typically lies in whatever screams loudest: the stinky diaper, the empty refrigerator, the tax return due next [...]

Evidently I’m my own worst critic.  I wouldn’t have told you I was…am.  I thought I was over that.  But here’s how I figured it out.  The Lord put on my heart this idea of starting a blog at the first of the year.  It was strange, actually.  I’m not one to make “New Year’s [...]