I found a dead leaf on a walk the other day. Something about it drew me–the beauty even in death. I brought it home and set it beside some more green and living things and have lived in fascination ever since. I’m mesmerized by what the seasons already know: death occurs before new life is [...]

I’m participating today in a writing flash mob in which we write for 5 minutes flat on the provided word prompt with no extreme-editing. The idea is to get past our perfectionism and just. do. it. Today’s prompt: Remember… In a couple of weeks my eldest will be baptized. I’m remembering when I was baptized and the [...]

I found this Mood-o-Meter in the garden today. No doubt it was unwittingly left behind by a child who, at any moment now, may break down in tears over the fact that it’s gone missing and she hasn’t noticed. By “garden” I mean it was in a clay pot containing a parched plant in need [...]

As I look out across the landscape of today I see house chores, work chores, may be some writing and a yoga class. I can’t control it or predict it, but I can call upon the One who knows. There’s this temptation to muscle through my days because I’m so good at it. I can [...]

Last week I fessed up about the anxiety I’ve been feeling. It seemed to really resonate with people and several friends told me they’ve been feeling the same way. One said she wakes up and is on GO until ten o’clock at night, another said she feels panicked over her to-do list. Yet another said her [...]