I was recently with a friend who said her husband excuses himself from the annual trimming of the family Christmas tree, abdicating all rights of involvement, leaving her and the kids wholly responsible. I responded with shock and awe, saying I had NO IDEA what that must be like. In case my experience is a [...]

I’m not a big shopper. Never have been. My mother, on the other hand? She could win awards were shopping a competitive sport. For me, it’s a necessary evil and, I’ll be honest, sometimes I resent Eve for upending the future for all womankind. I shop for myself may be twice a year and get [...]

We were unsure from the moment we walked in. She cowered in the corner refusing to make eye contact. And talk about shaking like a leaf! She must’ve shed a full coat of fur in the five minutes it took the vet to give us the few known details of her situation. Jon slowly and gingerly [...]

I pad down the hall, shuffle over to the pot and pour. Sweet glory. Black deliciousness. Metal clinks against hardened clay as I stir in the milk and agave. This may be my single favorite moment of the day. Quiet house. Dark morning. I settle down into the chair. Turn palms up and open. Whisper [...]

Growing up I don’t remember being encouraged to appreciate art and I certainly wouldn’t have called myself “creative.” Sure I should learn art for the sake of history but I didn’t get that art has value simply because of the creative process behind it. The work of your hands should earn a living, be a [...]