I tick down a mental list of everything we’ll need and quickly throw them into bags: three swimsuits, a sun hat, a couple of monster trucks and some rubber gators from the bathtub. I hop in the car, scoop the girls up from school and peel off the street as quickly as I can. No [...]

The alarm sounds and I roll over to reset it for thirty minutes later. I shift positions so I’m lying on my back with a pillow under my knees; feel cold and reach down to pull up the green afghan I’ve tossed aside during the night. When the alarm sounds again, I’ve reached a state [...]
It’s been a slow week around the Livingston household as I’ve been sick and so has Reece. My tank’s been on empty. Yesterday a couple of thoughts kept running through my head: As much as I like to teach, I need to be taught; as much as I like to encourage, I need to be [...]