Posts by Author: 78 posts by Samantha

Aquiring a Salt Addiction

I’ve mentioned that every afternoon I indulge in a cup of coffee and a sliver of dark chocolate. My “ideal setting” for this would be a gray-shingled cottage by the sea with comfy slip-covered sofas, windows open to the ocean breeze, interesting books neatly piled all around, and me touching toes with a like-minded friend [...]

As the Lord would have it I had plans to walk with a dear friend the morning after I finished writing my first blog post.  We were sharing and caring, much like friends do, and our conversation landed on something she was feeling unsettled about.  Something she had felt led to do – to start, [...]

Evidently I’m my own worst critic.  I wouldn’t have told you I was…am.  I thought I was over that.  But here’s how I figured it out.  The Lord put on my heart this idea of starting a blog at the first of the year.  It was strange, actually.  I’m not one to make “New Year’s [...]