It’s an all-out war and the tips of my pointer fingers are sore from smashing their bodies. Lauren leaves the room, disgusted by the sound of spines crunching under pressure; Rae helps, but opts to use a paper towel. Using my bare fingers enables me to be sure they’re dead. Otherwise I could inadvertently brush [...]

My system’s in shock from the quiet in the house. With the girls off to school, Reece watches his daily episode of Sesame Street while a pantry infested with rice weevils begs for upheaval and piles of mail and laundry await sorting and tending to. It’s the end of an era: no more lazy days [...]
The age-old story of good versus evil has always fascinated me. Jon and I went to see the Batman movie on a recent date and, although some of it went right over my head (having not seen a Batman movie since Michelle Pfeiffer played Catwoman), I nevertheless was glued to the screen–particularly in the battle [...]
Jon and I conceived our third child just weeks after losing his mother to cancer. We hadn’t always planned on having a third, but the Lord put the idea on each of our hearts–separately–and, once we admitted it, we embraced it wholeheartedly. With two previous pregnancies under my belt, the doctors’ appointments became “old hat” [...]
Having kids is weird. It’s like watching all your good and bad qualities played in front of you like a movie, only with very immature and self-centered characters. I’m convinced it’s one of the ways God’s redeeming the story of my own life. I haven’t yet written much about my kids because 1.) this ain’t [...]