Archive: 2012

This is the third of five posts I’m writing for The Enough Series and, if you’d like to catch up, read Are You Enough? and Are They Enough?  The first argument of my married life was over a sweet potato. I worked farther away and got home later at night than Jon. Cell phones weren’t [...]

This is part two of the Enough series and last week’s topic was Are You Enough? In college I found a roommate by posting a flyer on the school campus. Brandy may as well have been called Blandy she was so stinkin’ boring. Blandy had acceptable personal habits and would occasionally wipe the kitchen counter [...]

At the end of the day don’t we really just wanna know that we’re “enough”? Enough friend, enough wife, enough mother, enough worker? I think if everyone on the planet went into every situation knowing that he or she IS enough it would be a very pleasant place to live. Instead, most of us walk [...]

From Samantha: In addition to using my own voice, I especially like to hear the voices of other women – both in person and metaphorically speaking. Something inside me bubbles up when I see women doing what God created them to do. It’s exciting! It’s contagious! With that, I’m very excited to introduce to you [...]

I’ve mentioned that I think everything flows out of relationship. What better way to start a conversation about relationships than with an example of what NOT to do? It was my eighth-grade year and I was a cheerleader. Don’t hate me. Lots of good blog fodder will come from my participation in the sport. And, [...]