The draft coming in through the propped-open door is just slightly cooler than the beer sitting in front of me in its clear plastic cup. Friends are seated in metal chairs as we crowd around pushed-together tables and listen intently to the sound of hearts being filled with words. As my husband Jon puts it, [...]

I’m having a quieter week as it pertains to the blog. Partaking in conversations with friends over coffee and the phone, investing in my marriage, and making plans to make one daughter’s wish come true of homemade Valentine’s cookies for her class (hope they’re as good as she’s built them up in her head!). I’m [...]

Anxious thoughts motor through my mind like numbers on a ticker tape: Am I a writer? an accountant? a mother, a wife? …a full-time housekeeper? Where do I land today and what do I do next? The answer typically lies in whatever screams loudest: the stinky diaper, the empty refrigerator, the tax return due next [...]