I’m just back from James Madison University where I was invited to speak at a women’s conference. Here are seven reasons I’m feeling full and incredibly thankful for my time there: 1. This group I love all worship bands. I do. But there was something inexplicable–a warmth rising within me–upon being led by an all-female [...]
This past weekend was one of supreme laziness which means it was awesome. I took two baths in twenty-four hours and topped them off with a nap. Jon’s been traveling for work and, you know what they say: “While the cat’s away the mouse will play.” Actually, I think it’s ‘mice’ but it’s nice to [...]
For those of you who are sick and tired of hearing about this, I UNDERSTAND. And I’m pretty sure I’m breaking all sorts of rules by even telling you I’m fasting, but the only way I know how to deal with traumatic events is to process out loud. If you’re just joining in: I’m a [...]
I’m currently doing the Daniel Fast and how I got to this point on my journey is still a little fuzzy. Something to do with a late-night church meeting and Jon mentioning afterward, in what I would call a very cavalier manner, that he would be starting a fast the next day. Um, hello! Groceries?! [...]

When I miscarried our third child one conversation with a friend sticks out in my mind in particular. Funny thing is, I don’t remember a single word she said. What I do remember is collapsing into the brown chair in my bedroom, heavy breaths and strained words pouring out of my mouth, before moving to the [...]