Posts by Author: 78 posts by Samantha

This is part two of the Enough series and last week’s topic was Are You Enough? In college I found a roommate by posting a flyer on the school campus. Brandy may as well have been called Blandy she was so stinkin’ boring. Blandy had acceptable personal habits and would occasionally wipe the kitchen counter [...]

At the end of the day don’t we really just wanna know that we’re “enough”? Enough friend, enough wife, enough mother, enough worker? I think if everyone on the planet went into every situation knowing that he or she IS enough it would be a very pleasant place to live. Instead, most of us walk [...]

From Samantha: In addition to using my own voice, I especially like to hear the voices of other women – both in person and metaphorically speaking. Something inside me bubbles up when I see women doing what God created them to do. It’s exciting! It’s contagious! With that, I’m very excited to introduce to you [...]

I’ve mentioned that I think everything flows out of relationship. What better way to start a conversation about relationships than with an example of what NOT to do? It was my eighth-grade year and I was a cheerleader. Don’t hate me. Lots of good blog fodder will come from my participation in the sport. And, [...]

Happiness is ever the elusive destination; Joy is found in one place, One Person. Happiness speaks from the surface; Joy resounds from the depths. Happiness is promised to no one; Joy is offered to everyone. Happiness just passes through; Joy takes up residence.