World comes flashy and loud, in constant waves. Word comes plain and gentle and knocks for entry. World says “Blaze your own trail!” Word says “Sidle up and follow me.” World says “Look around. Be impressed.” Word says “Look to Me. Be struck with wonder.” World says “Sport your crown. Strut your stuff.” Word says [...]

I had a dream last night in which I was trying to hide a dead body in a black trash bag amongst a large pile of similar bags containing yard trash. It was unclear whether I was responsible for the murder or just assisting in a cover up. I woke up and immediately began thinking [...]

This past weekend I got my Kardashian on and cleaned out my closet, artfully displaying cute clutches and pumps under pin-lit glass shelves. It’s now my boutique-style oasis. Or not. It was more like navigating the terrain of my life over the last twenty years, with notable side trips to Old-Boyfriend-Photo World, Anxious-’n’-Desperate-Prayer Journal-dom, and Broken-Jewelry-Pieces Land. All which [...]

Last night I had a dream in which Jon and I bickered back and forth the whole time. There was yelling and, I think, cussing too. We were in a house that wasn’t ours with an ugly sofa and floor lamps that looked like they were from the ’80s. It was scary. I woke up, [...]

It’s Friday and, once again, I’m participating in a writing flash mob for two reasons: 1. to get more connected with the larger community of bloggers (aka I don’t wanna feel alone!) and 2. to field a kick in the butt to practice writing more consistently. The marching orders: Write on the word prompt for [...]