For those of you who are sick and tired of hearing about this, I UNDERSTAND. And I’m pretty sure I’m breaking all sorts of rules by even telling you I’m fasting, but the only way I know how to deal with traumatic events is to process out loud. If you’re just joining in: I’m a [...]
I’m currently doing the Daniel Fast and how I got to this point on my journey is still a little fuzzy. Something to do with a late-night church meeting and Jon mentioning afterward, in what I would call a very cavalier manner, that he would be starting a fast the next day. Um, hello! Groceries?! [...]

I set out down the driveway, head down the street, and am soon pounding the pavement. I have two lead weights for legs. You know that bible verse about the deer in high places? I am the exact opposite of that deer today. I pass what we locals call The Duck Pond, where three fountains [...]

“It’s foggy in here!” I shout into the dark. “It’s foggy!” He sounds far away at first, but I begin to hear Jon laugh, as if from the end of a long tunnel. He gets closer and closer and then, “What? It’s foggy?” he says. I see his smirk even with my eyes still shut, feel [...]

Growing up I don’t remember being encouraged to appreciate art and I certainly wouldn’t have called myself “creative.” Sure I should learn art for the sake of history but I didn’t get that art has value simply because of the creative process behind it. The work of your hands should earn a living, be a [...]