I’m having a quieter week as it pertains to the blog. Partaking in conversations with friends over coffee and the phone, investing in my marriage, and making plans to make one daughter’s wish come true of homemade Valentine’s cookies for her class (hope they’re as good as she’s built them up in her head!). I’m [...]

This past weekend I got my Kardashian on and cleaned out my closet, artfully displaying cute clutches and pumps under pin-lit glass shelves. It’s now my boutique-style oasis. Or not. It was more like navigating the terrain of my life over the last twenty years, with notable side trips to Old-Boyfriend-Photo World, Anxious-’n’-Desperate-Prayer Journal-dom, and Broken-Jewelry-Pieces Land. All which [...]

During my recent break from blogging I traveled back to a dark and twisty place. I didn’t physically go anywhere, but rather, I walked back through some pain from years ago that I hadn’t really allowed myself to feel the first time. It felt as fresh as it was back then, only worse, without the coping mechanisms [...]

Last night I had a dream in which Jon and I bickered back and forth the whole time. There was yelling and, I think, cussing too. We were in a house that wasn’t ours with an ugly sofa and floor lamps that looked like they were from the ’80s. It was scary. I woke up, [...]
This is pretty cool. I submitted a guest blogpost to a popular Christian blogger and author over the summer and recently realized he posted it to his site (I have no idea how!) Jeff Goins encourages writers (his words have been the steroids that have fueled my weary fingertips at times) and when he published [...]