This is pretty cool. I submitted a guest blogpost to a popular Christian blogger and author over the summer and recently realized he posted it to his site (I have no idea how!) Jeff Goins encourages writers (his words have been the steroids that have fueled my weary fingertips at times) and when he published his first traditional book, Wrecked, he asked for folks to submit stories of how they’ve been “wrecked” for God. A ton of amazing, powerful, comforting, inspiring stories are posted on his site and I encourage you to read some – or read his book. (I really enjoyed it!) Here’s my story…

Defining Moments: Pity or Praise

With a couple years of marriage and a few arguments under our belts, Husband and I were ready for Baby. Months of waiting felt like years while trash cans cradled sticks of pee and disappointment.

Hopelessness should’ve taken hold, but an unlikely scenario spoke hope: an old friend at a party with a line about a doctor. God knew where infection silently grew, new life was being prevented. He provided a way.

Not two years later, while Baby sat in highchair eating early dinner, Daddy came home with news that rocked our world: Laid off. Two weeks ‘til last paycheck. Caught off guard, fear could’ve moved in, but in the space it would’ve otherwise occupied, a seed of excitement was planted. Into the unknown…

Visit Jeff’s site to read the whole post. I’d love it if you post any comments you have on his site.


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