- Wide open spaces
- Interesting language
- A heart at rest
- A cold beer fresh from the tap
- A fast walk with a close friend
- Mind-blowing sex with my husband
- Piling the whole family on our bed for cuddle time…(errr…and not in that order!)
- Fast-paced action-packed books and movies
- A home-cooked meal shared with adult friends
- The neighbors on my street
- The freedom to express myself
- The sights and sounds of worshippers
- My childhood home
- Bright and cheerful colors
- Loud and perfect dance music
- Whole foods
- British accents
- Algebraic equations
- A great workout
- Playing with my husband
- A quiet and dimly-lit room
- Calming sights and sounds
- Getting to re-know my parents as an adult
- Reminiscing about loved ones since slipped into heaven
- A cup of coffee in a nook with a book
- Hearing your story
- Seeing your heart
- Receiving heart-felt encouraging words
- Myself, gracefully aging
- The sound of my brother singing and playing his guitar
- My kids dancing
- Imagining I’m a Fly Girl on In Living Color (the old TV show with The Wayans)
- Delightfully decadent TV shows that I may shouldn’t be watching
- Laughing with friends
- Southern country sayings
- A well-tended garden (mine’s currently full of weeds)
- Having friends who’ll dust me off and pull be back up when I fall
- Staring out at the ocean
- Dreaming big….
- Speaking boldly….
- Living in Truth