When I miscarried our third child one conversation with a friend sticks out in my mind in particular. Funny thing is, I don’t remember a single word she said. What I do remember is collapsing into the brown chair in my bedroom, heavy breaths and strained words pouring out of my mouth, before moving to the [...]
Recently I had a serious case of the blahs and I’m pretty sure it can all be traced back to a bag of Twizzlers. I was at Target on a regular Monday buying essentials when I took a turn through the food section to make sure there weren’t any sale items I couldn’t pass up. [...]

We were unsure from the moment we walked in. She cowered in the corner refusing to make eye contact. And talk about shaking like a leaf! She must’ve shed a full coat of fur in the five minutes it took the vet to give us the few known details of her situation. Jon slowly and gingerly [...]

I found a dead leaf on a walk the other day. Something about it drew me–the beauty even in death. I brought it home and set it beside some more green and living things and have lived in fascination ever since. I’m mesmerized by what the seasons already know: death occurs before new life is [...]
Jon and I conceived our third child just weeks after losing his mother to cancer. We hadn’t always planned on having a third, but the Lord put the idea on each of our hearts–separately–and, once we admitted it, we embraced it wholeheartedly. With two previous pregnancies under my belt, the doctors’ appointments became “old hat” [...]